
Welcome to OGANRO – a leading provider of innovative & cutting-edge web solutions. We are a renowned provider of web, mobile and digital marketing solutions

How long will it take you to do my website?

This depends on the type of website and how prompt you are in providing content and feedback.

What do you need to get started?

In order to start a project we require a basic design brief, a copy of your logo (if you have one) and usually a 50% deposit. However the more information you provide us with, the better the initial design concept will be.

Can you explain your design process?

Initially we will send you with a flat JPEG image concept, based on the information provided by yourself. Once approved we will turn this into a functioning website and start adding the content you provide, whilst keeping you updated to progress.

I have already registered a domain name, can you still use it?

Yes, although on rare occasions we may need to transfer it to a different provider. This would be subject to charges.

Why can’t you write my website content for me?

Although we can recommend a good copywriter, it is not a service we offer or include as part of our packages. This is because we believe the best person to write about a business, is the person running it.

What is hosting?

Every website and email addresses needs to be hosted on a computer that is always connected to the internet, known as a server. For more information about hosting

What is classed as a basic design change?

We class a basic design change as adding to or amending pre-existing text or images. This does not include creating graphics or adding new pages.

What ongoing costs are there?

Apart from your web hosting and wholesale changes, the only ongoing cost for information websites is your domain name renewal. This occurs every 1-2 years.

Why isn’t my website number one in Google?

Although we design your website to be search engine friendly, we can’t guarantee it will be top for any given keyword, as this is controlled by the relevant search engine. However we do offer a variety of online promotion options that can help you achieve this.

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